Category Archives: Grey Knights

Tournament Review: NOVA 40k GT 9.12 Part 2

Hey guys Son of Adam back again with Part 2 of the Nova review.  If you didn’t catch the first part of this you can find it here.  Still trying to get this sickness thing down, and between that and a ton of technical issues the latest battle report is going to be a little bit off.  But that is another issue.  On to the review.


             After the first four games we were all thrown into different brackets based on our overall competitive rating (battle points) and our record.  The two games I won were won fairly handedly, and the two I lost were very marginal losses with a lot of points on my side.  This placed me in the lowest 3/1 bracket; bracket four.  After bracketed, if you won the first two then you made it into the finals for your bracket, and after that it was single elimination for the semi-finals and finals.

            For my round 5 I played against a Daemon player.  He was a very friendly fella and his army was very nicely painted.  His list was generally the following:

HQ: Bloodthirster with wings

HQ: Fateweaver

Elites: 6 Fiends

Elites: 3 Flamers

Troops: 5 pink horrors

Troops: 5 Nurglings

FA: 6 Screamers

Fort: Bastion with Quad-gun

HQ: Slaanesh Daemon Prince with wings

Troops: 5 Plague Marines

Troops: 5 Thousand Sons

HS: 3 Oblits

            Our mission was P: Objectives, S: Quarters, T: KPs with a vanguard deployment.  I won the first turn and gave it to him.  He deployed the bastion near his objective and stashed both CSM squads in it.  The oblits were stationed right outside and his prince was nearby.  I setup the deldar in the aegis and infiltrated both sniper teams on objectives; one in no mans land and one in my quarter.  The council just setup their bubble wrap around the deldar to buffer them from any flamers.

            In his first turn we had night fighting and his preferred wave came in.  He brought down the thirster, fateweaver, the fiends, and the screamers.  The thirster and the prince flew up to fateweaver, and his fiends and screamers tried to get into his bubble.  He shot some and didn’t do much with the night fighting.  In my turn one, I shot everything at fateweaver, and he took a wound but stayed in the air.       

            In his turn two the horrors came down on my left objective.  He moved all of the flying mc into the sniper team.  Fateweaver stayed flying and did some ineffectual shooting.  His fiends moved into position against the far snipers, and the screamers flat out behind the deldar.  In combat the fiends rolled over the snipers as did the MCs on my near edge.  In my turn two I moved the council out into position around the screamers and made sure to make them close enough to the other MCs to get a multi-charge.  In shooting I wiped out all but one of the screamers, and couldn’t do a thing to fateweaver.  The fiends also got knocked down to three models.  In combat I killed the remaining screamer, and didn’t manage to do much damage to the prince and the thirster.

            For his round three, Fateweaver flew around and did some more shooting.  The fiends came in to charge the  Dark Eldar.  His nurglings came in and claimed the middle objective.  In combat I was able to tank most of the damage on the duke and kill a few fiends as well.  The council was fairly useless in combat, no wounds caused and none in return.  On my side of the turn, the guardians came in and one went after the horrors and knocked all but one down and the others came in and shot at fateweaver.  In combat the council and the MCs slapped each other a little bit, while the Deldar cleaned up what was left of the fiends.

            In turn four the oblits moved towards the guardians, and Fateweaver came flew near to the MCs to keep his bubble but fire at the guardians.  Most of the guardians went down, and my farseer passed his T-test from Boon.  In combat I ended up killing off one of the MCs.  The guardians cleaned up what was left of the horrors and the Dark Eldar shot what they could at Fateweaver to no avail.  On my side of the turn the hawks came in and blocked off the door of the bastion to keep them out of scoring.  In combat the council finally finished off the last MC and consolidated towards the middle.

            For his turn five he tried to get to the objectives by jumping out of his bastion (new move to me, but it’s in the new rules).  The plagues moved up to get the middle objective and his oblits changed directions to go after the hawks and Fateweaver moved near the Plagues.  He shot down a bunch of the hawks and didn’t do much else.  On my side of the turn I grabbed the left objective, and the dark eldar moved onto the far right objective, and the remaining guardian stayed on my home objective.  The council moved out and denied the middle and far objectives.  We rolled for the game to end and it did.  So to end the game it was P: 3/0, S: 2/2, T: 7/2.


            The sixth game was against a Draigowing army.  This was the last match after a long day and the fella I played was real cool about it.  We both just kinda hung out and shot the breaze a bit until it got down to the nitty gritty of table quarters and the last turn.  His list was the following:

HQ: Draigo

HQ: Coteaz

Troops: 10 Paladins with the works

Troops: single hammer paladin

Troops: 4 Acolytes in a Razorback

Troops: 4 Acolytes in a Razorback

Troops: 3 Acolytes in a Razorback

HS: Psyrifle Dread

HS: Psyrifle Dread

HS: Psyrifle Dread

Fort: Aegis with a Quad-Gun

            The mission we were playing was P: Quarters, S: Objectives, T: KPs with a Hammer and Anvil deployment.  He got the roll and made me go first.  I deployed the aegis around the ruin in my quarter and threw the Deldar in it.  The council was right in the middle of the deployment zone, and I infiltrated the snipers on the far objective in my zone and the area terrain just outside it.  For his deployment he put up the aegis in the middle and dropped the single pali on the quad gun, and the pali-star with Draigo and Coteaz in the middle opposite the council.  The dreads were given sight sitting on top of terrain, and the razors hid behind them and cover wherever they could.

            For first turn we got night fight, and I put my powers on the council and moved up to shoot at the paladins.  Everything else in the list fired the dreadknight and killed him.  I took the first step in another Deathstar dance-off.  For his side of the turn, Coteaz managed to get misfortune and prescience off regardless of my runes (lucky buggar got both powers randomly), and I couldn’t stop the misfortune.  After that everything opened up into the council and took down four warlocks or so.

            For the top of turn two I threw my powers on again and flat out the council behind his lines near a dreads and a razor.  Everything else fired with little result at the palis.  For his turn he ran the pali-star towards my snipers and opened fire on them.  All but one fell, and he actually broke off the table.  The rest of the army shot at the council and didn’t do any damage.

            In my turn three I killed the solo pali and put some more wounds on the pali-star.  The council moved up and multi-charged the dread and the razor, killing the razor and its contents and knocking off two points from the dread.  In his turn the pali-star ran up and put some hurt on the Deldar, but they stuck it out, and his dread fell in combat.

            For my turn four the council moved up and shot at the remaining dread, knocking off two points, and everything else shot into the paladins to little avail.  For his turn he moved the pali-star forward and got himself in range of the deldar.

            In my turn five we spent some time figuring out points in each quarter and where different squads could go in order to push the issue.  I ended up flying my fourtune-seer into the far right quarter, left the council in the far left, scooted one guardian squad onto the near left objective and the other onto the far right one.  The swooping hawks jumped down and moved into contest range of the far right objective as well as contributing their points to that quarter.  I placed my chips.  In his side of the turn we re-did the math and he moved the pali-star into the near right quarter overwhelming the point in my dark eldar.  He moved Darigo into the near left to overwhelm my guardians and both of the acolyte squads tried to get onto the far right objective.  After a bunch of shooting the fortune-seer, guardians, and three hawks stood in that zone and gave me the win. 

            It ended up being P: 3/1, S: 2/1, T: 4/1.  The end of this game, was trying for both of us, but we realized that it was the forth game in a very long day, and that we had to be particular with the math just because of the mission type.  We had a great game up to the last turn, and I would be happy to play with him again, I would just push for the game to be something other than kill points (nothing wrong with the game type, just tough to do so much math, so late, in such an even game).


            At 7:30 in the morning I played the seventh game in the semi-final round against Kenny Boucher of Next Level Painting.  Kenny and I were both tired and upset at the hour, but we played a fun and crazy game.  His army is very beautifully painting (despite all of the required nastiness that Chaos demands).  You can check it out here or where he posted it up on dakka.  Next Level Painting specializes in high quality, full army paintjobs with a two week turn-around.  Make sure to check out the work they do, it’s quite good.

            On to the game.  Kenny was 5/1 up to this point and he was bringing the Flying Demon list again (my army matches up pretty badly against Demons and there weren’t that many there, it was just some more of my bad luck all weekend).  Kenny took this general list:

HQ: Bloodthirster

HQ: Fateweaver

HS: Demon Prince of Tzeentch with wings

HS: Demon Prince of Tzeentch with wings

HS: Demon Prince of Nurgle with wings

Troops: 10 Plague Bearers

Troops: 10 Plague Bearers

Troops: 5 Plague Bearers

Troops: 5 Plague Bearers

Troops: 5 Plague Bearers

Fort: Aegis with Comms

            The mission we were playing was P: Objectives S: Quarters, T: KPs on a vanguard deployment.  One special detail was that the objectives in each players deployment zones were worth two points and the other three were only worth one.  I ended up getting first turn and passing it to him, but I didn’t get invisibility or misfortune.  He deployed his aegis in his zone, and I castled up again with the snipers and hawks behind and the deldar in front with a council wall in front of them.

            In his first turn his preferred wave came down and he deployed them fairly defensively together in the middle of the table within charge range of my lines, but out of double tap for the deldar.  He shot a few times with Fateweaver without much effect.  On my side of the turn I doomed Fateweaver and moved my council up.  I shot everything into him and he took one wound and didn’t disappear, but fell down.  Afterwards the council charged everything into just him and he only took one more wound (I don’t care to do the math, but I guess 72 shots and 36 attacks in combat isn’t enough to take three wounds off the bird). 

            On his turn two Fateweaver booned the fourtune-seer and all of the MCs joined the combat and killed some guys.  For my turn two I used the only power I had that could do anything and used terrify on Fateweaver, which he failed and broke out of combat.  (We had to get a special ruling from Mike Brandt on that one).  I made my squad fearless and they were whitled down in combat to just a few. 

            For his turn three Fateweaver failed to rally and one of his Tzeentch MCs dropped in combat before he finished off all the rest of the council.  For my side of three things looked bleak.  The dark eldar and snipers fired at one of the MCs and brought him down to one wound.  The swooping hawks came down and shot Fateweaver to death (I think that I am the only one in the history of this game that can make that claim). 

            In his turn four the Bloodthirster took his one wound and flew away, but the Nurgle and Tzeetch demons came down and hit the Darkeldar in combat.  All of his Plagues came down now and were sitting on all of the objectives, but he had to string one out from the middle objective to his corner objective to get both.  In combat the darkeldar lost but didn’t break.  On my side of the turn the swooping hawks moved towards the middle and didn’t do much with their shooting, and the guardian Jetbikes moved into position for the last turn.  The snipers moved up and shot pistols at the plagues, but only killed one between the two of them.  In combat the dark eldar killed lost a few but the duke tanked a lot of saves and they stuck it out again.

            On his turn five the Thirster flew back into his quarter to overwhelm my points there and all of the plagues positioned themselves on objectives and in quarters.  On my side I shot down one more of the Princes and moved the snipers up to contest my home objective.  One squad of bikes flew over to contest an objective in the neutral zone, another contested his home objective, and the hawks moved up towards the center objective.  He had one objective to my none, but then the swooping hawks charged his strung out plagues and made them consolidate off of his objective leaving it for my guardians.  That was net me his home objective which was worth two points and put me over the one point objective that he claimed in order to get the win.

            The game was fantastic and with some poor luck, I was getting beat up the whole time.  In the end it ended up P: 2/1 S: 1/3, T: 3/5 but I got the primary and with it the win and a birth in the finals.


            My last opponent was Pat Higgs from 11th company (the guys doing the live streaming of the top table).  You can find a link to their site on our side bar.  One guess what Pat was playing… Demons.  That makes it three Demon players in eight rounds.  Pats general list was the following:

HQ: Fateweaver

HQ: Lord of Change

Elites: 6 Flamers of Tzeentch

Elites: 6 Flamers of Tzeentch

Elites: 6 Flamers of Tzeentch

Troops: 5 Plagues

Troops: 5 Plagues

Troops: 5 Plagues

FA: 9 Screamers

HS: Tzeentch Prince with wings

HS: Tzeentch Prince with wings

Pat’s Demon army

            The mission we had was P: Quarters, S: Objectives, T: KPs with a Dawn of War deployment.  All of the bad luck up to this point cashed itself in (I wish it was a little more spread out over the course of the weekend, but better late then never).  I was able to get invisibility, misfortune, and prescience.  He won the roll for first and gave it to me.  I castled up again behind the aegis with the snipers behind the Deldar and then the council bubble wrapping the whole thing.

            In my first turn I moved the council and gave them invis and waited.  For his turn one he got his preferred wave and dropped the screamers, fateweaver, and the flying MCs in front of my lines.  He also dropped one group of flamers but they misshaped and I placed them on the other side of the table.  His screamers flat out over to fateweaver and the MCs used some powers to boon one of the warlocks.

            On my turn two I gave the Deldar Prescience, Doomed Fateweaver, and cast Misfortune on Fateweaver.  The dark eldar then proceeded to light him up with re-roll to hits, re-roll to wounds, and getting around his re-roll to save.  They cause 4 unsaved wounds and dropped fateweaver altogether.  (If you want to see a batrep where this combo worked against Marines check it out here).  The council then flamed all of the screamers and dropped them down to one.  The snipers shot at the MCs and didn’t do any real damage.  In combat the council charged the last screamer and killed it with the hammer of wrath attacks.  On his turn two the MCs came down and charged the council.  We ended up drawing combat and sticking it out.

            For the top of turn three the council split its wounds and did a bunch to both Princes and lost a few in return.  The rest of the army waited for whatever else was coming down.  On his side of the turn some more flamers showed up and shot up a bunch of the deldar.  And then in combat I finished off one of the MCs.

            For the top of turn four everything shot at and killed the flamers and the last MC was taken down in combat.  On his side of the turn the plagues deep struck on objectives and the last squad of flamers came in and took its turn on the deldar.

            For the top of turn five the deldar dropped the last flamers and the council went after the middle squad of plagues and killed them.  On his side of the turn he just scooted around to hold objectives and quarters.  The game didn’t end and then proceeded to turn six.

            At the start of turn six things were mostly cleaned up.  The council placed themselves in a position to outweigh his points in each quarter and the guardians claimed objectives while the hawks contested another.  For his turn six the flamers that misshaped finally made it somewhere and killed a squad of guardians.  The plagues charged the hawks but couldn’t kill them.  At that the game ended.  It resulted in P: 3/1, S: 2/1, T: 6/1 and a win in the finals.

I won bracket four and finished 6-2.  If you look at NOVA’s overall score I got 11th and placed 10th for paint score, but if you look at the placement in order of brackets I was the top of the fourth bracket and 49th in order.  I had a great time and wish that I had some different dice or luck for the first 7 rounds, but it just makes me more excited for next year.  Congrats to you if you read this far down.  Thanks for reading.  I will do a little strategy write-up about what kind of armies were here, and what I saw that was effective in the new competitive meta that is 6th edition.


Tournament Review: NOVA 40k GT 9.12 Part 1

Hey all Son of Adam back again after a long weekend in Virginia at the NOVA open 40k GT, and I am wiped out.  A bunch of the fellas and I drove down there and put up in the Hyatt hotel in Crystal City.  We arrived Thursday night and checked out the scene.

            There were a bunch of vendors that came out.  The War Store was there, Grex Airbrushes, I was lucky enough to get a conversation in with Rob from Spiky Bits, among others.  There was a huge room setup with tables and terrain for 40k.  Warmahordes had its own room, as did Warhammer Fantasy.  All in all it was very well done and had a lot of work put in.

            I feel totally wiped out as I was sick most of the weekend, and have been trying to recover since then, but I wanted to get at least a preliminary report of the weekend out there for you all.  If any of you have any specific questions about the event or any of the games leave a comment and I will get back to you.

There was a huge hall dedicated to 40k. There were more tables in another room beyond this one and about double this size behind me.

            I brought my Eldar with me.  Here it is, just so that you have a straightforward copy of it (note: this is not the end all be all of the Eldar in 6th it is what I could get together in a month and a half and still enjoy the game):

HQ: Farseer with Jetbike, Stones, Fortune, Doom, Runes of wit and ward.  10 Warlocks on bikes with 8 destructors, 1 enhance, 1 embolden, and 2 spears.

HQ: Farseer with Jetbike, Stones, Guide, Mind War, Doom, Eldrich Storm, Runes of wit, and a spear.

Troops: 10 Rangers

Troops: 10 Rangers

Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbikes

Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbikes

F.A.: 5 Swooping Hawks, with an exarch skyleap, and Hawks Talon

Fort: Aegis

HQ: The Duke (Dark Eldar Allies)

Troops: 20 Kabalite Warriors with 2 Splinter Cannons

This was the army that I brought on its display.

            Round 1 played against a nice fella that brought a Blood angel with Imperial Guard list.  His rough list was the following:

HQ: Librarian

Troops: Tactical squad with melta, multi-melta, power weapon in a pod.

Troops: Tactical squad with plasma, and lascannon.

Troops: Assault squad with Power Weapon

Troops: Assault squad with Power Weapon

HS: Vindicator

HS: Vindicator

HS: Vindicator

Fort: Aegis with a quad-gun

HQ: Company Command with 4 melta guns (IG Allies)

Troops: Infantry Platoon with 4 flamer command, and two flamer auto-cannon squads.

FA: Vendetta Gunship

HS: Manticore

My round one opponent’s BA with IG.

            The mission was P: Kill Points, S: Quarters, and T: Objectives with a Dawn of War deployment.  I won the roll to go first and took it.  I deployed all of my snipers on different objectives and dropped the Deldar in the aegis on my own objective.  He threw his tanks to my right flank, and all of his troops to my left.  In the first turn the council boosted up to surround all of the armor and the rest of my army took some shots with little effect.  In his first turn, the manticore dropped a bunch of Deldar and the rest of his vidi’s tank shocked my council.  His drop pod came down on my left flank and got in place to remove those snipers. 

            In my turn two, I used puppet master to fire his manticore at his blob squad and then multi-assaulted it with the rest of the vindis.  My other squads fired and didn’t do much else.  In his turn two, the assault marines deep-struck and shot without doing damage, and the drop pod squad came in and destroyed the snipers on my left objective.

            For my turn three, the council flat out over to the blob, and all of the snipers and Deldar dropped the assault marines.  For his turn three the vendetta came in and the squad inside flamed the council and everything else shot at them.

            In my turn four, the council moved up and declared against the blob, but got shots on the command squad and tac squad as well.  With the fire power I dropped the command and most of the blob as well as a few marines.  The rest of the army shot at the tacs sitting on my left objective.  Then I charged the rest of the blog with the Librarian and the tac squad.  I killed all but a few and he took some down as well.  In his turn four the platoon command moved out of the way, and in combat his librarian went down, but took down one of my farseers, and all but one of the tactical marines was left.

            In my turn five the council moped up the last marine and the hawks came down to contest the tacs on my objective.  The rest of the fire power dropped the flamer squad and my guardians jumped onto different objectives.  He didn’t have much else to do with his turn and the game ended.  The result was P: 13/2, S: 4/0, and T: 4/0.


            In game two I played another gentleman who was 1/0 and was playing Necrons.  His general list was:

HQ: Overlord with the works

HQ: Overlord in Barge

Troops: 18 warriors with 2 Voltaic-teks

Troops: 9 Immortals with a Lance-tek and lord with a Scythe

Troops: 9 Immortals with a Lance-tek and lord with a Scythe

Troops: 5 Warriors in a Ghost Ark with Tremor-Tek

FA: 6 Scarabs

HS: 1 Spyder

HS: Annihilation Barge

HS: Annihilation Barge

My round two opponent’s Necron army.

            The mission was P: Quarters, S: Objectives, T: KPs with a Hammer and Anvil Deployment.  He made me go first and I setup the Deldar in the aegis again with it being strung out between the two objectives on my side, and I infiltrated the snipers on one of my objectives and on the center objective.  He dropped the big squad with overlord in a ruin with an objective.  The scarabs were on the far side of his deployment and the barges and ark were deployed centrally.

            In the first turn I knocked off a couple of models and flat out the council towards the scarabs and away from a lot of his fire power to try and bait the swarms in.  In his side of turn one he moved everything up and took the bait on the council.  I used all 8 Destructors in overwatch and killed off all of the scarabs before they even got in for combat.

            In turn two, I jumped the council up and multi-assaulted the big squad, the middle squad and the spyder.  (This was my mistake at NOVA, luckily it wasn’t too important).  In the combat I killed a bunch of stuff and the middle and far squads broke, but the spyder had one wound left on him and kept me tied up so that I couldn’t cut the others down.  On his side of the turn, both squads regrouped and the command barge charged the council.  Everything else moved up and one of the scythes came in and did some ineffectual shooting.  In combat I did some damage to the barge and killed the lord and the spyder.

            In turn three, I threw the council into the ghost ark and the two re-grouped squads and killed most of them and cut down the rest.  Because our time was running out, I flat out the jetbikes onto the objectives.  On his side of the turn the squad inside the ghost ark was surrounded and what was left advanced to try and contest objectives.  The game ended there from time constraints and the result was P: 4/0, S: 5/0, and T: 9/0.


            For the third round I played a game that was essentially played in the head of my opponent and me.  Not much happened on the table, death-wise, but we both danced for position all game.  This was a fantastic game against a great opponent.  I apologize that I forgot your name friend, but if you see this go ahead and send me a message.  He took the following Draigo-Cron List:

HQ: Draigo

HQ: Coteaz

Troops: 10 man paladin squad with the fixins

Troops: 3 Acolytes

FA: Interceptor Squad

HQ: Destroyer Lord (Cron Allies)

Troops: 5 Warriors in a Scythe

Troops: 5 Warriors in a Scythe

FA: 6 Wraiths

HS: Doom Scythe

            The third mission was P: Objectives, S: KP, T: Quarters with a vanguard deployment.  He won the roll for first and passed it to me.  I setup the Deldar in their Aegis around my back objective, and infiltrated the snipers onto the two corner objectives.  He deployed Draigo and boys behind the center piece of terrain, and the wraiths defensively behind his back objective.  In turn one I put some wounds on the pali’s and moved my council all the way to my left side (I knew that if I got tied up with the Pali’s that the wraiths had the movement to come in and together beat the council).  He replied to this bait by moving Draigo and boy to the opposite side towards my snipers, but still in range of the wraiths. 

            For my turn two I had to redploy the council in a defensive position guarding the Deldar and the snipers who were getting in range of a Pali charge now, and both of my guardians came on.  In his turn two all of his sythes came on as did his interceptor squad.  The scythes targeted the guardians and got all but one.  He backed off with Draigo and pushed back into his deployment zone.

            In my turn three I baited with the guardian that was left, and moved the council back to the middle, but close enough to kill whatever went after the guardians and close enough to bait the paladins into combat, but far enough that it would be a long charge.  I threw down Hallucination on the paladins and it made them attack themselves, but with the stave he saved all 12 of his wounds (I had a bit of bad luck all weekend except the last game, which you will see).  He replied by backing up further with Draigo and shooting down the guardian with a scythe.  His acolytes came on and tried to hide.

            In my turn four the swooping hawks killed a few of the interceptors and they broke off the table.  The seer council came by to support the corner objective and leave themselves in range of Draigo’s squad.  The snipers hid and shot down the acolytes.  In his side of the turn he took all of his scythes off the table, moved Draigo backwards again, and brought the wraiths forward to threaten the near corner snipers.

            For my turn five, I jumped the council in front of the wraiths in order to fill their space for a charge towards that objective.  I dropped the swooping hawks back onto his home objective that was now abandoned by his wraiths.  In his turn five all of his scythes came back on.  The two night scythes dropped of their cargo and killed what was left of the snipers on the far corner objective.  He broke off his destroyer Lord and just managed to be able to jump him over the council and contest the center objective.  The paladins were remarkably able to kill 4 of the council and the Wraiths managed to get the charge range they needed to assault the swooping hawks, wiping them out.

            We had plenty of time, but we rolled and the game ended.  The result was P: 2/2. S: 2/4, T: 2/2.  We tied on all of the victory conditions (KPs needed to be by three), so it came down to victory points, and he had 30 more than me and won the game.  I needed another turn to finish off the killing blow, but didn’t get it. 

Another shot of the hall.

            For the fourth round I played against David Jensen, one of the guys that work for Stiff Neck Studios.  He brought the following Necron Air force list:

HQ: Obyron

HQ: Destroyer Lord

Elite: Lychguard in a Night Scythe

Elite: Deathmarks in a Night Scythe

Troops: Warriors in a Night Scythe

Troops: Warriors in a Night Scythe

Troops: Warriors in a Night Scythe

HS: Doom Scythe

HS: Doom Scythe

HS: Doom Scythe

            This mission was P: Quarters, S: Objectives, T: KP with a Dawn of War deployment.  My opponent again won first turn, and again passed it to me.  For deployment I dropped my Deldar in the aegis next to my right objective and infiltrated the snipers on the middle and his left objective.  He placed Obyron out of line of sight in a building.  For my first turn I flat out the council surrounding Obyron, and on his side he waited.

            For the top of two, I shot at and charge Obyron with the entire council.  I rolled terribly and only got 30+ wounds on him, all of which he passed (told you I had some bad luck).  In return he killed one of the council (That is 950 pts with a full volley and charge, which resulted in not a single failed wound and a lost combat against the one model).  In his turn a bunch of his fliers came on and shot a lot into the Deldar and snipers taking a few casualties as I went to ground.  The lychguard came in and he placed them in a position to charge the council in the following turn.  Again in combat, the entire council fought against Obyron and dealt 12 wounds (compared to the 24 by math) and again Obyron didn’t fail any while still taking another councilman down.

            For my turn three, the guardians came on and I wasn’t able to do anything against the fliers, so the snipers shot at them to no avail.  In combat the same thing continued to happen, half as many wounds caused and way too many saves made.  On his side of the turn all of his scythes shot down my guardians and the lychguard charged in and did average damage, and again I couldn’t kill enough to make it matter.

            For turn four, the council finally did what it was supposed to and dropped a bunch of the guard and Obyron in a single round of combat and cut down the leftovers.  All the while, the rest of my army sat tight and waited for the end of the game.  For his turn four a bunch of the scythes went to work on the now free council, while the rest whittled down one of the sniper teams to a few members.

            For my turn five, I preemptively covered up all of the angles for the scythes while denying and claiming all potential quarters and objectives.  In his turn he realized that if the game were to end there was no chance for him, so he flew everything off the table that could fly off except the deathmarks with the destroyer lord who came down and tried to put enough wounds on the warriors to break them.  My bad luck continued and unlike the previous game, the game continued when I needed it to end. 

            In my turn six I was in a pretty bad spot, nothing of his was on the table, but it was all coming from a place that I couldn’t stop.  I moved out my guys into places that were the best I could manage to try and win by quarters.  I dropped his destroyer lord and some of the deathmarks but they held and I failed the charge on them with the swooping hawks even with the fleet roll.  In his turn six I was pretty exposed.  He dropped the hawks, the remaining snipers on his objective and was able to get the deathmarks in to contest the center objective.  Now when I needed the game to continue it didn’t.  It ended up being P: 2/2, S: 2/1, T: 3/3.  Dave ended up winning on the secondary.

A shot of the top tables being played on during the invitational.


            I ended up placing in the lowest 3/1 bracket going into the finals with two high winning scores and two very closely scored losses.  If you guys want to hear how the last matches went post it below.  If this is too long and you only want to hear the abbreviated version just post it below and I will be quicker about it. 

            I will say that I made it to the finals for my bracket and did get to play against some pretty good opponents, but you will have to wait for next time, I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

Battle Report: Eldar vs Space Wolves with Grey Knight Allies (2k)

Space Wolf Army:
Rune Priest in Terminator Armour, Talisman, Jaws, Living Lightning
Rune Priest in Terminator Armour, Jaws, Hurricane
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Melta Guns, Drop Pod
8 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Drop Pod
8 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Drop Pod
6 Long Fangs, 3 Missile, 2 Las
6 Long Fangs, 3 Missile, 2 Las
6 Long Fangs, 4 Missile, 1 Las
10 Grey Knights, 2 Psycannons, 1 Hammer

Saim Hann Eldar Army:
Farseer, Jetbike, Fortune, Doom, Stones, Runes of Wit, Runes of Ward
8 Warlocks on bikes, 3 Spears, 4 Destructors, 1 Enhance, 1 Embolden
Farseer, Jetbike, Mind War, Eldrich Storm, Guide, Doom, Stones, Runes of Wit.
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
10 Pathfinders
10 Pathfinders
3 Guardian Jetbikes w/Cannon
3 Guardian Jetbikes w/Cannon
7 Fire Dragons, 1 Exarch w/Crack shot, Tank Hunters, Wave Serpent w/Shuriken Cannon

Quick note: kelstertgo from youtube pointed out that you cannot charge from reserves.  We were playing it only from outflank and deep strike, but we ended up playing this wrong.  Thanks to him for pointing that out for us.  So, make sure not to play it that way.  One of the many subtle changes in 6th.

Thanks to Incompetek for the music.

Battle Report Teaser: Eldar vs Space Wolves with Grey Knight Allies

Hey all, themightysquig here bringing you another Battle Report Teaser. This week, Son of Adam went head-to-head with Matt, owner of Stomping Grounds. Matt brought a Space Wolves drop pod army with Grey Knight allies to square up against SoA’s Eldar list.

It was a close game, as drop pods can cause a lot of trouble for SoA’s Eldar. Does SoA overcome his list disadvantage? Does Matt give SoA his first loss since the launch of this blog? I’m not going to tell you (haha, take that, internets!). Instead check out these pictures from the game and make sure you check out the Battle Report and Strategy Follow-up for this game as they get posted.

Snipers hide behind the aegis defense line

Long Fangs deploy in a ruin in order to get clear line of sight on the battlefield.

Long fangs rain down fire support all game almost untouched.

The fire dragon exarch manages to survive combat for a round.

Grey Knights lend fire support that is boosted with prescience.

One council member stands out in between the ruins.

Grey Hunters get inside the aegis and prepare to cut down the snipers in combat.

The council tries to multi-charge the drop pods for some extra kill points.

Micro Gameplay Strategy: Defeating Deathstars with Tar Pits

How would you defend against a deathstar?

Hey guys Son of Adam here again with a little article about defeating deathstars with tar pits.

Since the new edition, deathstars have grown in popularity, and with them comes the need to shut them down.  Generally people go about this by trying to find the best deathstar; one deathstart to rule them all.  They will play test to see, deathstar vs. deathstar, which will win out.  Others try to build a list around putting out enough shots to take down anything deathstar related.  These are both valid methods, but I want to offer up a different idea for your considerations; tying them up.

Deathstars are made to crash into enemy lines and destroy all who oppose, but there are some units in the game that are made to do exactly the opposite.  These are called tar pit units.  Tar pit units are generally cheap, large, have an invulnerable save, deny attacks in combat, have fearless, feel-no-pain, or some combination there of.  Some examples are plague demons, massed tyranid guants, or swarms.

The idea here is that you can tie up a large deathstar unit long enough to make them tactically irrelevant, or to lessen their impact on the game.  And, with the cost imbalance for the rest of the game, you should be able to make enough of a difference with the rest of your army to gain the advantage, or apply this tactic again to further tie up the squad.

Consider that, in a perfect world, a Draigowing deathstar assaults 30 guants backed up by feel-no-pain.  The guant squad only costs 120 points and the deathstar costs upwards of 1000 points (assuming normal deathstar overload with Draigo, apoth, and 4 psycannons).  This deathstar will be getting 3 attacks on the charge, hitting on 3’s, wounding on 3’s, and the guants will get a 5+ feel-no-pain on all non-hammer attacks.  That’s 36 attacks, with say 24 hits, 16 wounds, and 11 dead.  So, with 11 dead at 5pts a piece, it cost you 55pts to hold that deathstar still for the top of a turn.

Now for the bottom of that turn.  You know the drill; it’s only 25 attacks this time, with say 17 hits, 11 wounds, and 7/8 dead.  So at the end of the full turn where they were charged it cost you 90/95 pts to make the Draigowing deathstar irrelevant to the game.  Take that number over the course of 5 turns and make it 395 points (95 + 75 each turn thereafter) to keep 1000 points at bay.  In a 2000 point game, it has now become 1000 points vs. 1605 points.  The tyranid player will gain a significant advantage.  (Please be aware that this is a perfect world scenario.  However, when working with perfect world scenarios, we can look for what to try for in our actual games).

These ideas work with several different units against several different deathstars, but consider the fundamental idea, take small cheaper units to tie up larger, more expensive units in order to give yourself the upper hand in achieving the victory conditions.  Now go out and see if you can work this idea into your list in order to deal with the deathstars of the 40k world.  You don’t have to change what you are taking now, but it’s a good exercise none-the-less to see if there are more mild aspects of this strategy that can be helpful to you when considering what to bring to the table and while playing the game.

Army Showcase: Vanguard’s Grey Knights

Hey all, themightysquig here bringing you another Army Showcase. This one comes to you from our very own Vanguard, who is our painting specialist here at MasterCraft Gaming. We’ll be getting a painting video with him on the site soon, but until then, check out his Grey Knights. They are beautifully painted and the level of detail is really impressive. But don’t take my word for it, take a look for yourself!

Paladins with their Grand Master, these guys look like they shouldn’t be messed with.

Everybody loves some heavy support.

Strike squads each have personal heraldry.

That’s a lot of muscle.

This dreadknight is beautiful and deadly.

Photogenic guy eh?

Grand Master, stave for challenges, and an Inquisitor provides some extra psychic support.

Special thanks to Stomping Grounds for letting us shoot in their store.

What do you think about these models? Please like and comment, we want to hear from you!

Grey Knight List Building: Multiplying Effect (Prescience)

Hey guys, Son of Adam here from MasterCraft Gaming with a quick discussion about a potential list element for the Grey Knights.  Some people have been requesting more Grey Knights tactica, and Vanguard thought that I should post up a discussion that we had about them, and so, here you go. 

            Let’s take a quick step back and explain something simple, but useful (and often overlooked).  Some effects in 40k multiply their effectiveness.  They offer a buff at a flat cost that a varying number of models can take advantage of, depending on the list created.  A squad purchasing psybolt amo is a good example, or Black Templar’s creeds.  The buff that is given becomes less and less expensive (per model) as it is spread across more models that are taking advantage of it, and therefore increases its efficiency.

4 to 5 twin-linked psycannons is no small thing.

            And now the next step: Grey Knights now have access to the divination psychic discipline and with it, the incredibly helpful primaris power prescience.  Prescience, unlike most powers, is guaranteed.  It is also one of the multiplying effects that we just talked about.  When applied in bulk the relative cost drops.  –As a side note, please be aware that lowering cost is only a tool, it is not the aim, and the aim, if you haven’t read it yet, can be found here.– 

            One of the prime examples to look at is a squad of 10 Paladins/purifiers with 4 psycannons.  (Which can be combat squaded to leave the cannons together and make the other half combat related or serve some other function.)  How much would you expect to pay in order to twin-link all of your psycannons and bring a chaplain with you whose power is in effect every turn, and not just on the turn you charged?  Some may say just make the cannons mastercrafted and ignore the bonus to combat, after all they generally only miss about once per shooting phase anyway.  Normally I would validate that opinion, however, with the advent of fliers and flying MCs, the ability for paladins as characters to make precision shots, and the bump to the amount of infantry we expect, I would have to make the argument again.  What is the value of a squad being able to re-roll all missed to hits in both shooting and in combat?  Quite high I expect.

            Before we get too far let’s look at who can get prescience and evaluate their usefulness in furthering our ability to achieve the golden rules.  As per Grey Knight FAQ, only the inquisitors and librarians get rulebook powers.  Here are two quick (and not exclusive) things to note about their differences.

  • Librarians- can add to the multiplying effect with more powers/mastery levels.
  • Inquisitors- (Malleus) can add an additional Psycannon making the squad have 5 twin-linked Psycannons (flier or not that’s painful).

            Always remember killing is not the goal, but a squad like this is something that a list can be built around.  You can tactically achieve a 24″ threat range that people will not want to be in.  When you have something like that, you can then build a list around it that can use that bubble to manipulate your opponent’s movement, and put them in places that are more advantageous to the rest of your list.

            That’s just a quick little thought for all of you MasterCraft fans who play Grey Knights (this is also useful for other armies).  Find ways that you can build lists with something that has this kind of influence, and then comment with how that went.

            As always fellas, thanks for reading.  Please follow/like/sub our stuff and leave some comments if there is anything else you want to see or see changed.  Thanks.

Battle Report: Grey Knights vs Space Wolves (2k)

Hey guys.  Check out this video.  I brought my Grey Knight army with all of the new different groups that I talked about in my Road to Nova Intro post against Steve’s Thunder Cav Space Wolves army.  We played one of the NOVA primer missions.  This is our first video so let us know what you think.  We are always trying to improve.  Remember to subscribe and like our stuff.

By the way, we missed some of the video in the middle, but tried to make up for it with pictures.  Don’t worry we won’t be doing it that way next time (unless you guys like it that way).  If there are any armies that you would like to see played against/with let us know and we will try to get a vid up for it.  Thanks guys.

Thanks to for the music.  Here is the link to the Showcase for Steve’s army

Steve’s Space Wolves (Berzerker Wolves) 2k

Wolf Lord: Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Thunderwolf Mount, Wolf Tail Talisman, Saga of the Bear, 2 Fenrisian Wolves

Wolf Lord: Powerfist, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Thunderwolf Mount, Saga of Majesty, 2 Fenrisian Wolves

Rune Priest: Stock

Wolf Guard Pack- (lead each squad):

2 w/Power Armor, Powerfist

Terminator Armor, Power Sword, Cyclone Missile Launcher

2 w/Terminator Armor, Power Axe

Grey Hunters Pack: 7 Hunters, 1 Melta, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino

Grey Hunters Pack: 7 Hunters, 1 Melta, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino

Grey Hunters Pack: 5 Hunters, 1 Melta, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen

Thunderwolf Cav: 1 Fist, 3 Storm Shields

Long Fangs Pack: 6 Fangs, 4 Missiles, 1 Las

Long Fangs Pack: 5 Fangs, 3 Missiles, 1 Las


My eclectic Grey Knights list 2k


Librarian: Stock

10 Purifiers: 4 Psycannons, 5 Halberds, 1 MasterCrafted Hammer, Rhino w/Dozerblades

5 Paladins: 2 Psycannons, 1 Banner (No apothecary sorry for saying so in the description)

5 Greyknight Terminators: 1 Incinerator, 1 MasterCrafted Hammer

Storm Raven: Assault Cannon, Multi-Melta

Dreadknight: Personal Teleporter

Land Raider Crusaider: Multi-Melta, Psybolt Amo

Battle Report Teaser: Grey Knights vs Space Wolves

Hey all, themightysquig here for MasterCraft Gaming, bringing you our first ever Battle Report Teaser! You’ll have to wait a few days for the official Bat Rep video for all the details you’re looking for, but until then, here’s what I can tell you. Last night Son of Adam played his buddy Steve at Stomping Grounds in Warminster, PA.  He brought along his Grey Knight army to take on Steve’s Space Wolves. And I brought my camera to take all these cool pictures of the battle!

Long Fangs take position in a ruin.

Vindicator comes around the corner with some support to get a shot at the land raider

Moving into the high ground the purifiers open fire.

Undaunted, the sole remaining purifier holds his ground.

The thunderwolf Lord leads a bloody charge against the dreadknight and the paladins.

Long fangs are ambushed by a dreadknight.

The Grey Hunters make a heroic counter charge.

Draigo leads what is left of his men against the Space wolves force.

One squad of grey hunters in a rhino makes an end game dash towards an objective.

Purifiers ride out to meet the endemy.

Terminators use Shadow Skies to drop from a Storm Raven that flies by.

A dreadknight scales a building while hunting his foes.

Grey Hunters charge what is left of the purifiers.

While holding onto the objective a squad of grey hunters provides some supporting fire.

Special thanks to Stomping Grounds for providing a great place to play.

The Grey Knight vehicles, Dreadknight, and Draigo were painted byPaul over at For Holy Terra.  Our very own Vanguard painted up the purifiers.

Let us know what you think.  Thanks.